Life Saving Reads:
Table of Contents
We used to have some neighbours who were renting the house across the road from us.
They had a beautiful swimming pool, two toddlers…
And no pool fence.
Their back doors opened directly...
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Did you know that 2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime? While these statistics seem grim, the good news is that most cases are preventable with reduced UV exposure1...
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Finally, the warm weather is here again! Along with the sunshine, however, come a unique set of...
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In another #FirstAidFriday segment, we have a question in from Millie, regarding her baby choking on milk:
“Hi Kat,
Last week my 3 month old choked when I was feeding her. It was the most...
In This Article:
Did you know that breathing issues (aka respiratory distress) are the most common...
“Hi Kat, one of the babies in my mums group has just been diagnosed with FPIES. I think she’s about 10 months. Can you go through this with us for your first aid Friday?”
Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis, or FPIES, is a rare but important...
Hi Kat,
Someone in my mother’s group mentioned how dangerous magnets are for kids to put in their mouth. Why is this? Does the metal burn like a battery might or something like that?
No doubt you’ve heard about the dangers of button batteries, but...